Friday, October 27, 2006


Friends of Soochow

The purpose for the Friends of Soochow Foundation is to

1. Assist qualified graduates of Soochow University, Taipei, to pursue higher academic degree (Ph.D., J.D., M.D., etc.) and training in American educational institutions,

2. Encourage and assist American scholars to teach, study, and research at Soochow University,

3. Assist Soochow University faculty members to teach, study, and research at American institutions of higher learning, and

4. Aid Soochow University in its educational programs, otherwise.

Friends of Soochow

Friends of Soochow

Friends of Soochow

Friends of Soochow

Friends of Soochow


Dr. Edward Rada began to teach in Soochow, Taipei, in the Fall Semester of 1961, at the same time he had a research position with the Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction (JCRR). Two-third of his UCLA salary came as sabbatical-leave pay.

Observing how Soochow University was struggling financially in 1962, he asked then president, Dr. C. Y. Stone, if there were something that he might do for Soochow after he returned to USA. Dr. Stone's reply was 'I can't tell you what to do; you have to decide that for yourself'. Dr. Rada thought about the idea for a year before making inquiries among some of his close Methodist friends if they might be interested in starting such an organization. One thing he was determined about was that if it started, it had to be lasting - not in and out.

Having returned to UCLA the next year, with a vision and faith, three of them filed papers for the incorporation of the Friends of Soochow in the State of California in 1963 as a nonprofit corporation with tax-exempt status. Later, they obtained tax-exempt privilege from the U.S. Internal Revenue Services. The three were Robert A. Rogers, the Chief Financial Officers of UCLA, Dr. Donald W. Odell, attorney, and Dr. Edward Rada, Economics Professor of UCLA.

As such, The Friends of Soochow Foundation has started help the Soochow University financially and academically since 1963.

Special Events

SCU Annual Banquet Time: 6:30 PM, 3/1/2014 Locale: Pacific Palms Conference and Resort 1 Industry Hills Parkway City of Industry, CA 91744

Founder: Edward L. Rada, Ph.D. UCLA

雷德教授(Edward L. Rada, Ph.D.)1961年到東吳客座一年,教市場學及經濟管理兩門課。

回美後在1963年成立東吳之友基金會(Friends of Soochow)並擔任會長直到1997年。
(Arthur Burns)



雷德博士為什麼要成立東吳之友呢?他在1984年寫的一本題為「Why Friends of
Soochow University ?」即《為什麼成立東吳之友》的小冊子裡有一些答案。

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Tax Deductible

The Friends of Soochow is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) organization in the United States. All donations of any kinds are tax-deductible to the full extent granted by the U.S. Law.

For donations, please email for details.

Send your check with Name, Address, SCU Major/Year to:

Payable to - Freinds of Soochow

P.O. Box 1337

Torrance, CA 90505

You will receive a US tax deductible receipt from Freinds of Soochow and another receipt/thank you letter from Taipei SCU.

As well Your contributions of full amout (in New Taiwan $) will be published in the next issue of SCU Alum Magazine and Newsletter.

Upcoming Events

FOS Board Members與校友會學長姐組團返校參加113周年校慶系列慶祝活動
SCU ALUM Develop Dept 於校慶當天舉辦校友回娘家系列活動
08:30 ~09:30校慶開幕典禮觀禮
10:00 ~12:00第一屆校友盃卡拉OK賽上半場
12:00 ~13:30校友團圓慶祝餐會
13:30 ~16:00第一屆校友盃卡拉OK賽下半場

3/17 Sun         FOS/Alums tour in Taipei.

3/18 Mon       Meet with SCU administrators and
                       faculty members. 
                       SCU will present the new funding
                       in 2013/2014 and the results of
                       funding uses in 2012/2011.  
                       SCU will summarize a short reports
                       to outline the funding
                       purposes and responsible persons. 


Check This Out, we will organize a trip to Visit SCU Taipei Campus, Meet with Administrators, Enjoy a Fabulous Concert, and Attend a Alum Banquet in March of every year.  It will be on a homecoming day.  All alums, Scholars, and Friends are welcome.

For RSVP, please email Dr. Andrew Chen at


Announcements from the President of Soochow University, Dr. Chao-Shiuan Liu:

  • Topping all other universities in Taiwan, our projects on Teaching Excellence have been awarded a total of 231 million NT$ of subsidy for the years 2005 and 2006.

  • Besides individual ones, 102 multi-disciplinary, integrated research from us were granted 75.335 million NT$ of funding by the NSC. Our faculty members are now supported by having reduced teaching load and having various funding available.

  • More than 84% of our faculty are assistant professors or above. This is further aided by visiting scholars; during the years of 2005 and 2006, 25 professors, 3 associate professors were with us full time, 10 professors and 2 associate professors were teaching part time at Soochow.

  • Unique programs that will make us stand out in the next years have been developed; in the School of Arts and Social Sciences are the Centers of Human Rights, and of Philosophy; foreign language enhancement programs will be borne by the School of Foreign Languages; the School of Science will be known for her Center of Green Science; the School of Law has the Center of WTO researchers, and of compilation and promotion of materials on ethics of law, and the School of Business, the Center of Finance.

  • Our extension program has generated more than 100 million NT$ of revenue. More high quality and high value-added programs are now being discussed among the various departments, school, and administrative units.

  • During the year of 2006, we have received donations amounting to 63.323 million NT$, a growth of 72% from previous year. Thanks are due to all of you, two new buildings are soon to be seen on our campus.

Endowments & Scholarships

Photo Shows

2011 Christmas Party

2012 Taipei SCU Campus Tour

Achievements & Recognitions

Exchange Information

東吳之友 - 懷念雷達教授
Dr. Edward Rada, UCLA

父親石超庸 Dr. Shih 生前最後十年,是由香港到台灣致力於東吳在台復校和興學;一路走來,可說是篳路藍縷、慘澹經營。

期間聘請一位加州大學經濟博士雷達教授(Dr. Edward Rada)到東吳執教,有感於父親的辦學精神,和父親建立了深厚友誼,期滿回美國後,自動成立「東吳之友基金會」(Friends of Soochow),為東吳募款。




卅年前我將大哥全家申請到港定居,大哥擬出國深造,經雷達教授熱心推薦和幫忙,很快獲得美國加州大學(UCLA)入學許可。但事後大哥考慮到自己業已屆中年,並加上有家庭負擔,毅然放棄此良機留港另謀出路,後幸運進入美國駐港領事館工作,期間因公出差美國,特帶著長女前往加州洛杉磯探訪這位已退休的老教授。 據大哥數年前所寫的一本書中言及:「雷達教授見到他高興極了,並請他和女兒吃了一頓飯,臨走時,特別把一本來客訪問名冊給我看,見到父親臨終前一年由妹妹陪同來美募款,也在他家作客,簽下父女兩人的名字,現在你們父女又簽了名,雷達高興得幾乎流出老淚,讓他感受到你們石家祖孫三代均在冊中留下名字,相信這是天意撮合,將會永遠留在我們共同的回憶中。」


Board of Directors

Yee-Jen Shuai

Ed. Rada, Jr.

Robert Oehler

Gilbert Tsao

Dennis Lin

Sue Chen

Yee-Horn Shuai

Andrew H. Chen

Helene Lin


Ed. Rada, Jr.

Ex Chairman
Yee-Jen Shuai

Gilbert Tsao

Taipei SCU Campus Visit Coordinator
Andrew Chen